Image design

State code 6531PX012
Faculty Faculty of Arts And Creative Technologies
Study field Arts, Design
Qualification Professional Bachelor of Arts
Form and duration of studies Full-time studies, 3 years
Credits 180
Study plans Degree Course 2020-2023

Degree Course 2019-2022

Degree Course 2018-2021

Specializations 1- Coiffure Design

2- Outfit Formation

Career Prospects

After completing the study programme, the graduates will be able to work in the enterprises of beauty industry, beauty studio, salons, artistic collectives and projects, concert organizations and projects, boutiques, theatres, cinema studio, advertising agencies, entertainment industry, recreational and shopping centre; to work as a consultant in the private and state enterprises in Lithuania and abroad, to create individual image, perform business financial accountancy, to develop and manage fashion business, etc.

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to:


Full-time studies

Degree Course 2020-2023

1st semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation*
Foreign Language for Specific Purposes (English, German, French) 3 E
Basics of Communication 6 E
History of Art 3 E
Applied Computer Programmes 6 E
Drawing 3 E
Composition 3 E
Fashion Drawing and History 6 E
2nd semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Art of Retorics 3 E
Materials and Textures 3 E
Fashion Drawing and History 6 E
Composition and Study of Colours 6 E
Basics of Coaching 3 E
National Costume and Ethnoculture 3 E
Art of Photography and Media 3 E
Practice of Artistic Training 3 P
3th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
 Basics of Visual Presentation 3 E
Costume Design 6 E
Image Creation 12 E
Practice of Apparel Projection 6 P
Free Elective Subject 1 3 P
4th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Business Basics 3 E
Law of Intelectual Property 3 E
Eco-design 6 P
Show Image Creation 6 E
Project Management 3 P
Practice of Apparel Projection 6 P
Free Elective Subject 2 3 P
5th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Specialization COIFFURE DESIGN (21 credits)
Methods of Changing Hair Structure 9 E
Haircut Technical Modelling 6 E
Hairstyle Modelling 3 E
Scene Coiffure Design 3 E
Specialization OUTFIT FORMATION (21 credits)
Fashion Tendencies 6 E
Image Psichology 3 E
Image Outfit Formation 9 E
Fashion Marketing 3 E
Professional Skills Training Practice I 6 P
Free Elective Subject 3 3 P
6th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Specialization COIFFURE DESIGN (9 credits)
Hairstyle Modelling 3 E
Scene Coiffure Design 6 E
Specialization OUTFIT FORMATION (9 credits)
Image Outfit Formation 3 E
Fashion Marketing 3 E
Artistic  Events 3 E
Professional Skills Training Practice II 3 P
Final Practice 6 P
Final Thesis (Project) 12 P

Optional subjects are freely selectable subjects from the list of predefined subjects.

* E – exam, P – project


Full-time studies

Degree Course 2019-2022

1st semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation*
Foreign Language for Specific Purposes (English, German, French) 3 E
Basics of Communication 6 E
History of Art 3 E
Applied Computer Programs 6 E
Drawing 3 E
Composition 3 E
Fashion Drawing and History 6 E
2nd semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Art of Retorics 3 E
Materials and Textures 3 E
Fashion Drawing and History 6 E
Composition and Study of Colours 6 E
Basics of Coaching 3 E
National Costume and Ethnoculture 3 E
Art of Photography and Media 3 E
Practice of Artistic Training 3 P
3th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
 Basics of Visual Presentation 3 E
Costume Design 6 E
Image Creation 12 E
Practice of Apparel Projection 6 P
Free Elective Subject 1 3 P
4th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Business Basics 3 E
Law of Intelectual Property 3 E
Eco-design 6 P
Show Image Creation 6 E
Project Management 3 P
Practice of Apparel Projection 6 P
Free Elective Subject 2 3 P
5th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Specialization COIFFURE DESIGN (21 credits)
Methods of Changing Hair Structure 9 E
Haircut Technical Modelling 6 E
Hairstyle Modelling 3 E
Scene Coiffure Design 3 E
Specialization OUTFIT FORMATION (21 credits)
Fashion Tendencies 6 E
Image Psichology 3 E
Image Outfit Formation 9 E
Fashion Marketing 3 E
Professional Skills Training Practice I 6 P
Free Elective Subject 3 3 P
6th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Specialization COIFFURE DESIGN (9 credits)
Hairstyle Modelling 3 E
Scene Coiffure Design 6 E
Specialization OUTFIT FORMATION (9 credits)
Image Outfit Formation 3 E
Fashion Marketing 3 E
Artistic  Events 3 E
Professional Skills Training Practice II 3 P
Final Practice 6 P
Final Thesis (Project) 12 P

Optional subjects are freely selectable subjects from the list of predefined subjects.

* E – exam, P – project


Full-time studies

Degree Course 2018-2021

1st semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation*
Foreign Language for Specific Purposes (English, German, French) 6 E
Professional Communication 3 E
History of Art 6 E
Applied Computer Programs 6 E
Drawing 3 E
Composition 3 E
Materials and Textures 3 E
2nd semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Fashion Drawing and History 8 E
Associations Theory 3 E
Composition and Study of Colours 6 E
Art of Retorics 3 E
Basics of Coaching 3 E
Written Communication 3 E
Practice of Individual Cognition 4 P
3rd semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Art of Presentation and Media 3 E
History of Fashion of the 20th Century 3 E
National Costume and Ethnoculture 3 E
Costume Design 9 E
Image Creation 3 E
Practice of Apparel Projection 6 P
Free Elective Subject 1 3 P
4th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Image Creation 6 E
Hairstyle Modelling and Technologies 6 E
Stage and Beauty Make-up 3 E
 Basics of Visual Presentation 3 E
Eco-design 3 P
Practice of Hairstyling and Make-up 6 P
Free Elective Subject 2 3 P
5th semester (30 credits)  
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Human Safety and Ecology 3 E
Show Image Creation 6 E
Artistic Events and Project Coaching 6 P
Aesthetics 3 E
Economy and Business 3 E
Practice of Attire Design 6 P
Free Elective Subject 3 3 P
6th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Law 3 E
Marketing and Commercial 6 E
Practice of Business Organization 3 P
Final Practice 6 P
Final Thesis (Project) 12 P

Optional subjects are freely selectable subjects from the list of predefined subjects.

* E – exam, P – project