Dr. Nijolė Zinkevičienė, the Vice-Rector for Research and Partnerships of VIKO was elected the Vice-President of EURASHE!

EURASHE is the most significant European association of institutions in professional higher education that forms policy on issues such as the mission of professional higher education, quality of higher education, modernization of professional higher education in diversified higher education and research, development and innovation.
On June 7-9 the General Assembly and Annual Conference of EURASHE took place in Bucharest, Romania. On June 7 during the General Assembly the new management body of EURASHE was chosen for the following two years and Dr. Nijolė Zinkevičienė, the Vice-Rector for Research and Partnerships of VIKO was elected the Vice-President.
During the annual conference “Skills for Europe: Mobilizing Higher Education for Green & Digital Transitions” that delved into future competencies, Dr. N. Zinkevičienė moderated the first day’s discussion “Applied research in higher education”.
During the conference Dr. N. Zinkevičienė together with a colleague from Atlantic Technological University (Ireland) Ruth Moran also read the report “RECAPHE: a cooperative process to develop tools for enhancing staff research and innovation capacity in Professional Higher Education”, which won the “PHE Star Award – Research and Innovation Competences”.
N. Zinkevičienė noted “we share the success with the entire RECAPHE project group, which also includes researchers from Vilniaus kolegija.”
To find out more about EURASHE – https://www.eurashe.eu/