Tourism Management

State code6531LX046
FacultyFaculty of Business Management
Study fieldBusiness Studies
QualificationProfessional Bachelor of Business Administration
Form and duration of studiesFull-time studies, 3 years
Study plansEnrolled 2024

Career Prospects

Graduates will be able to work in tourist companies and their branches providing services for tourists, manage divisions of the enterprises and establish their own businesses. Further studies can be continued according to a university degree programmes.

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to:

Full-time studies
(Enrolled 2024)

1st semester (30 credits)
Tourism Resources   (Lithuanian Tourism Resources, Tourism Resources Internship, Introduction into Tourism, Travel Geography )10E
Management   (Tourism Management, Human Resources Management and Leadership)10E
Business Foreign Language (first)10E
2nd semester (30 credits)
ModuleCreditsEvaluation *
Social Business Environment   (Business Psychology, Business Law, Introduction into Business, Sociology)10E
Development and Sale of a Tourism Product (Tourism Product Development and Sales, Applied Tourism Programmes, Creativity)10E
Business Foreign Language (second)10E
3rd semester (30 credits)
ModuleCreditsEvaluation *
Sustainable Development   (Socially Responsible Business, Business Ethics, Labour and Civil Security)10E
Marketing   (Marketing, E-Marketing and AI tools, Sales)10P
Free Elective Module            10E
4th semester (30 credits)
ModuleCreditsEvaluation *
Economics and Finance   (Theory of Economics, Finance, Principles of Financial Accounting)10E
Professional Internship  20R
5th semester (30 credits)
ModuleCreditsEvaluation *
Communication   (Specialty Language, Intercultural Communication, Oratory)10P
Research Methodology (Research Methodology, Business Information Management, Economics Statistics)10E
Tourism Services and Meeting Industry (Transport Services, Accommodation Services, Catering Services, Meeting Industry)10P
6th semester (30 credits)
ModuleCreditsEvaluation *
Graduation Internship – 20 R
Graduation Thesis – 10 GT

Free elective module is composed of chosen free elective subjects.

E – egzamination;
P – project;
R – report;
GT – graduation thesis.