
State code 6531LX038
Faculty Faculty of Economics
Study field Accounting
Qualification Professional Bachelor‘s  degree in Business Management
Form and duration of studies Full-time studies, 3 years
Credits 180
Study plans Degree Course 2018-2021


Career Prospects

Prepare accounting professional bachelors who are able to self- organize and manage the business and public sector entities accounting control, accounting policy-making and implementation processes, analyze and evaluate the performance of the company.


Learning Outcomes

You will be able to:

·       Manage the entity’s accounting from primary accounting documents to financial statements preparation.·       Prepare financial, statistical, tax reports.·       Ensure accounting system reliability by checking the recorded accounting processes and detecting errors and fraud.·       Develop and implement an internal control system, taking into account the policy-making and the specific organization of the different operating companies.·       Identify the accounting system performance issues and make suggestions for improvement of accounting policies.·       Collect, organize, provide objective and rational use of business information through accounting theory, research and practice.·       Analyze, evaluate the financial condition and results of operations. To provide conclusions and recommendations for the management and financial decisions.·        Prepare the entity budgets and monitor their execution, using the analytical thinking and creativity.


Full-time studies

Degree Course 2018-2021

1st semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation*
Business Foreign Language 5 E
Labour and Civil Safety 3 P
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility 3 P
Management of Computerized Information 5 E
Document Management 4 P
Applied Mathematics 5 E
Theory of Economy 5 E
2nd semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Business Foreign Language 5 E
Organization of Research Paper 3 P
Business Psychology 3 P
Business Law 4 E
Statistics 5 E
Enterprise Economy 5 P
Basics of Accounting 5 E
3rd semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Management 4 E
Marketing 4 P
Financial Management 4 E
Management Accounting 4 E
Taxes and their Accounting 5 E
Practice: Computerized Processing of Accounting Information 4 P
Elective subjects 5 P
4th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Financial Markets 3 E
Financial Accounting1 6 E
International Accounting Standards 3 E
Computer Accounting 4 P
Accounting for Public Sector Activities 4 E
Business Planning and Organization 5 P
Elective subjects 5 P
5th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Financial Accounting2 5 E
Financial Audit 4 E
Analysis of Business Activities 6 E
Practice: Accounting Systems of Enterprises 11 P
Final Professional Activity Practice 4 P
6th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Final Professional Activity Practice 20 P
Final Paper 10 P

Optional subjects are freely selectable subjects from the list of predefined subjects.

* E – exam, P – project


Full-time studies

Degree Course 2019-2022


State code 6531LX038
Faculty Faculty of Economics
Study field Accounting
Qualification Professional Bachelor‘s  degree in Business Management
Form and duration of studies Full-time studies, 3 years
Credits 180
Study plans Degree Course 2019-2022


Career prospects

Having acquired a Professional Bachelor’s degree in Business Management, individuals can work as bookkeepers, accountants, assistant auditors, set up accountancy services, and provide accounting services in a variety of fields at the accounting services of various companies, institutions and organizations.


Learning Outcomes

You  will be able to:


Full-time studies
Degree Course 2019-2022

1st semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation*
Professional foreign language I 5 E
Business Psychology 3 P
Labour and Civil Safety 3 P
Management of Computerized Information 5 E
Document and Electronic Data Management 4 P
Applied Mathematics 5 E
Theory of Economy 5 E
2nd semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Professional foreign language II 5 E
Business Law 4 E
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility 3 P
Statistics 5 E
Enterprise Economy 5 P
Basics of Accounting 5 E
Management 3 E
3rd semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Organization of Research Paper 3 P
Marketing 4 P
Financial Management 4 E
Financial Accounting, 1 4 E
Taxes and their Accounting 6 E
Practice: Computerized Processing of Accounting Information 4 P
Elective subjects 5 P
4th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Financial Accounting, 2 7 E
Computer Accounting 6 E
Accounting for Public Sector Activities 4 E
Financial Accounting 4 E
Financial markets and institutions 4 E
Elective subjects 5 P
5th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Financial Audit 5 E
International Accounting Standards 4 E
Analysis of Business Activities 7 E
Practice: Management of Accounting Systems 4 P
Final Professional Activity Practice 10 P
6th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Final Professional Activity Practice 20 P
Final Paper 10 P

Optional subjects are freely selectable subjects from the list of predefined subjects.

* E – exam, P – project