Business Economics

Career Prospects

Having acquired the degree the person is competent to work as an economist, analyst, project manager and perform other related job activities in different business entities, financial or investment companies as well as in the institutions of local and municipal administration, budgetary organisations or to establish and run own business.

Social Partners: AB „Energijos skirstymo operatorius“, UAB AD Baltic, AB Lietuvos paštas, UAB „Lipnios etiketės“, Ingstad & Co UAB, UAB „Sėkmės sprendimai“, UAB „Office System“, AB „Vilma“.

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to:

Full-time studies
Degree Course 2019-2022
Degree Course 2020-2023

Optional subjects are freely selectable subjects from the list of predefined subjects.

* E – exam, P – project, KP – course project/paper.

Full-time studies
Degree Course 2018-2021

Optional subjects are freely selectable subjects from the list of predefined subjects.

* E – exam, P – project, KP – course project/paper.