
State code 6531LX039
Faculty Faculty of Economics
Study field Finance
Qualification Professional Bachelor‘s  degree in Business Management
Form and duration of studies Full-time studies, 3 years
Credits 180
Study plans Degree Course 2020-2023

Degree Course 2019-2022

Degree Course 2018-2021

Career Prospects

The acquired qualification provides the opportunity to work as a financier or any other related work in state and municipal budget financed institutions, tax inspectorates, institutions of the social care system and business companies.

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to:


Full-time studies

Degree Course 2019-2022

Degree Course 2020-2023


1st semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation*
Business Foreign Language I 5 E
Business Psychology 3 P
Document Management 4 P
Computer Information Management 4 E
Applied Mathematics 5 E
Economics Theory 5 E
Business Law 4 E
2nd semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Business Foreign Language II 5 E
Labour and Civil Safety 3 P
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility 3 P
Statistics 5 E
Enterprise Economy 5 P
Business Informatics 5 P
Management 4 E
3rd semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Research work organization 3 P
Marketing 3 P
Financial Markets and Investments Management 4 E
Taxes and Tax Administration 6 E
Public Finance 4 P
Accounting 5 E
Optional Course 1 5 P
4th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Public Procurement 5 E
Finance Management 5 E
Program Budgeting and Performance Analysis 5 E
Corporate Financial Analysis 6 E
Practice: Analysis of Economic Entities Activities 4 P
Optional Course 2 5 P
5th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Public Sector Entities in Accounting 7 E
Internal Control and Evaluation 3 E
Financial Audit 4 E
Practice: Modeling Entity Activity in Public Sector 6 P
Final Professional Activity Practice 10 P
6th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Final Professional Activity Practice 20 P
Final Project 10 P

Optional subjects are freely selectable subjects from the list of predefined subjects.

* * E – Examination; P – Project; OC – Optional course.


Full-time studies

Degree Course 2018-2021

1st semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation*
Business Foreign Language 5 E
Document Management 3 P
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility 3 P
Computer Information Management 4 E
Applied Mathematics 5 E
Statistics 5 E
Economics Theory 5 E
2nd semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Business Foreign Language 5 E
Business Psychology 3 E
Labour and Civil Safety 4 P
Research work organization 3 P
Enterprise Economy 5 P
Business Informatics 5 E
Public Procurement 5 E
3rd semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Management 4 E
Marketing 3 P
Business Law 3 E
Financial Markets and Investments Management 5 E
Public Finance 5 P
Accounting 5 E
Optional Course 1 5 P
4th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Finance Management 5 E
Taxes and Tax Administration 6 E
Program Budgeting and Performance Analysis 5 E
Corporate Financial Analysis 6 E3
Training Practice: Business Project 3 P
Optional Course 2 5 P
5th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Public Sector Entities in Accounting 7 E3
Internal Control and Evaluation 4 E
Financial Audit 4 E
Professional Activity Practice: Modeling Entity Activity in Public Sector 6 P
Professional Activity Practice: Modeling, Accounting and Analysis of Economic Entities Activities 5 P
Final Professional Activity Practice 4 P
6th semester (30 credits)
Module (Subjects) Credits Evaluation *
Final Professional Activity Practice 20 P
Final project 10 P

Optional subjects are freely selectable subjects from the list of predefined subjects.

* * E – Examination; P – Project; OC – Optional course.