Qualification Recognition


Academic recognition refers to determining the academic value of a qualification, i.e. it determines whether the foreign qualification, in principle, meets general academic requirements for a similar qualification in Lithuania. It is carried out in accordance with the Lisbon Recognition Convention and its subsidiary documents. Additional information is available here. The principles of the Convention have been transferred into our national legislation.

Since 2021 under the right granted by the Minister of Education, Science and Sports VIKO carries out the academic recognition of foreign qualifications giving access to higher education for the purposes of further study in Lithuania in accordance with the Rules for Academic Recognition of Education and Qualifications of Applicants to Vilniaus kolegija / Higher Education Institution, Related to Higher Education and Acquired According to Educational Programs of Foreign Countries and International Organizations.

The above Rules are prepared in accordance with National legal acts https://www.e-tar.lt/portal/lt/legalAct/TAR.0DEDE1A7E942 and https://www.e-tar.lt/portal/legalAct.html?documentId=e100c4c008bb11e79ba1ee3112ade9bc; the Council of Europe and UNESCO Convention on the recognition of qualifications related to higher education in European countries, its explanatory notes and international recommendations;  documents adopted by the ENRIC/NARIC network, the Council of Europe and other competent institutions and the agreements of the Republic of Lithuania on the recognition of qualifications; by the best practices and recommendation documents of the member countries of the European Union that have ratified the Lisbon Convention; European recognition guide for higher education institutions; other documents related to the academic recognition of foreign qualifications.

VIKO, in carrying out the assessment and academic recognition of foreign qualifications, cooperates with Centre For Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC):


The academic recognition of foreign qualifications granting the right to higher education (secondary education qualifications) is carried out by VIKO Study Office.

During the application period the applicants shall submit the following documents through the VIKO online application system: he academic recognition of foreign qualifications granting the right to higher education (secondary education qualifications) is carried out by VIKO Study Office.

1. DiplomaThe diploma or degree certificate has to be final and in the original language. If the final diploma is yet to be issued, please include a provisional certification, which confirms the fact of your graduation and provides the title of your qualification in the original language.
2. Academic transcriptThe academic transcript, records of grades, or a similar document has to be in the original language. It should list all the subjects, grades, and credits and/or hours. For some countries, it is required for the academic transcript to be sent directly to our office from the educational institution.
3. Form of identificationA valid form of identification is a passport, a national identity card issued by an EEA or EFTA country, or a Lithuanian residence permit.
4. Valid proof of name changeIf your name in the credential differs from the name in your passport, a valid proof of name change has to be submitted. A valid proof of name change is considered to be marriage certificate, divorce certificate, or another form of proof issued by a competent official body.

All scans must be made from original documents (i.e. NOT copies), be in full colour and also be clear and legible. Any scans that do not meet such requirements will be disregarded.


If a foreigner has been granted a refugee status and the acquired qualifications cannot be proven with documents, as well as if there is a reasonable doubt about the quality of the education, a special procedure may be applied, including the verification of knowledge and abilities.


After the assessment of foreign qualifications one of the following decisions on academic recognition will be made within 1 month from the submission of all the required documents, including the requested additional documents:

  1. to recognize a foreign qualification.
  2. to recognize a foreign qualification only together with additional requirements (examination(s), additional courses, etc.) that have to be fulfilled.
  3. not to recognize foreign qualifications


Once the required documents are received by VIKO, they will be reviewed within not earlier than within 1 month.

If the additional documents and/or information is required, the applicant will be informed by e-mail. Then the processing of your application will be suspended, until the required documentation and/or information is provided.

If the required documentation and/or information are not submitted within 3 months after our request, the processing of your application will be terminated.

You may reapply at any time, but you will be required to resubmit a complete documentation package.


If an applicant does not agree with the decision on academic recognition of foreign qualifications, he/she may appeal to the SKVC Appeal Commission within 14 calendar days from the receipt of the Decision.


The procedure is free of charge.

Review of Qualification Recognition (2022)

Review of Qualification Recognition (2021)