International business and education network learned how to practise environmental awareness from Ülemiste City
All of society, including companies and universities, will be increasingly affected by the green transition and the related environmentally aware behaviour, which is why Ülemiste City organised another international business and education network meeting Challenges of Environmental Awareness in Future City. Examples of environmentally aware companies were presented in the project and future talents and campus companies were brought together.
The second meeting of the network took place in Ülemiste City from 5-7 October. This time the focus was on the topic Challenges of Environmental Awareness in Future City. In the previous years, some of the topics of the meetings have been developing creative entrepreneurship, the opportunities and challenges of digitalisation and implementing on-the-job training in companies. 36 students and eight lecturers and scientists from eight universities participated in the meeting this time. Meetings between companies, students and lecturers, open lectures to share experiences and knowledge, business speed dating and the Green Diet conference took place during the three days of the network meeting.
Clevon, Tootjavastutusorganisatsioon (TVO) and Ringo introduced their everyday activities related to environmental awareness topics. ABB, Helmes, HR Factory and Skeleton were able to get to know future talents during business speed dating. The universities participating were: Aalborg University (Denmark), Arcada University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences (Estonia), Jönköping University (Sweden), University of Iceland (Iceland), University of Stavanger (Norway), Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (Latvia) and Vilnius University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania), which shows that Estonia is an attractive partner for cooperation.
Participants’ feedback for the programme and the activities of Ülemiste City was exceedingly positive. It was found that there is much to learn from the campus’s experiences related to environmental awareness and the initiatives used here could be brought as an example in other countries.
The goal of the network created by the Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences and Mainor AS in 2018 is business, education and science cooperation with Nordic and Baltic universities to create new important solutions for the future city and education, share international experience and learn from the best how to find, involve and keep talents from different fields. The project is financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers from the Nordplus Horizontal programme, the international cooperation centre of Norwegian education.
The largest business campus in the Baltic countries, Ülemiste City, is developed by Mainor AS, Mainor Ülemiste AS and Technopolis Ülemiste AS. 150,000 square metres of rentable office space has been built on the campus’s 36 hectares, housing around 500 companies and allowing more than 14,000 people to work, study and live.