International Week of Risk Management Gaming
2017-03-01The second Erasmus+ project “Partnerships to Ensure Risk Management in Practice” – PERM (project No. 2015-1-LV01-KA203-013436) Business Week took place in the faculty of Electronics and Informatics from February 6th to 10th. Students from Latvia BA School of Business and Finance, Stichting Hogeschool Rotterdam and Vilniaus kolegija/UAS – 36 in total – were involved in […]
Sports event “Freedom of movement” dedicated for Lithuania‘s Independence day
2017-03-01Physical education‘s and sports center is participating in “Erasmus+” sports program “European everyday of sport” (572647-EPP-1-2016-1-BG-SPO-SCP-EUROPEAN EVERYDAY SPORT) project, which is co-ordinated by Bulgarian sports development association ( and is seeking for good experience strengthening youth physical activity and health. Youth‘s physical and psychological health is one of the most important priority for The European […]
Orientation Week
2017-01-31During the last week of January all new VIKO International students were invited to the Orientation Week. During this week students were involved in various activities and events organized by the International Office and VIKO mentors‘ team. International students had meetings with International Office, Erasmus+ coordinators, mentors, trip to Anykščiai, sightseeing in the Vilnius Old […]
Vilniaus kolegija – leader of national rankings
2016-12-13National rankings journal “Reitingai” recently published new results of ranking of education institutions, including higher schools, gymnasiums, universities and universities of applied sciences. Ranking results of the universities of applied sciences are based mainly on the opinion of the employers (40%), enrolment numbers of the best students, who graduated secondary schools with the highest grades […]
Unforgettable experience in „ERASMUS+“ youth exchange project „BE CYCLIST“ in Orvelte, The Netherlands
2016-11-21On November 7-15, 2016 Lithuanian team participated in „ERASMUS+” international youth exchange project „BE CYCLIST” N°2016-2-NL02-KA105-001410 in Orvelte, The Netherlands. Representatives of Lithuania were Vilija Gerasimovičienė – lecturer of didactics and physical education in Vilniaus Kolegija, Faculty of Pedagogy; Lithuanian sign language translation 2nd year students Kristina Kunelytė and Milda Kiškytė; Business Management Faculty international […]
2016-10-14By this we inform that Vilniaus kolegija / University of Applied Sciences has no any relation to the fictive higher education institution which calls themselves „Information Technology College“ (ITC). This fictive institution illegally uses Vilniaus kolegija’s/UAS official registration address J. Jasinskio Str. 15, Vilnius, and photos of our building. Our data is illegally used to […]
Exchange project with Belarus
2016-09-2317-24 of September 2016 Faculty of Economics organized the second exchange project with the Polessky State University (Pinsk, Belarus). This year the exchange topics were international business and finance. 10 students and 2 teachers from Polessky State University visited VIKO. VIKO was represented by the students from all study programs of the Faculty of Economics. […]
Erasmus+ staff visit from Bulgaria
2016-09-2113th-18th of September teachers and administrative staff of Bulgarian University of National and Global Economy – assistant professor at the Department of Economy Agop Kasparyan, Deputy Director of the University Center for Student ant Teacher Mobility (Erasmus Office) Dimitar Damyanov and assistant professor Nikolaj Velikochov – visited Faculty of Economics of Vilniaus kolegija. During this […]
Meeting with the OECD Representatives
2016-09-1716th of September the representatives of OECD (the Organisation of Economic Development and Cooperation), Mr. Thomas Weko, a Chair of the review team, Kateryna Obvintseva, a policy analyst in the Policy Advice and Implementation Division of the OECD Education and Skills Directorate, accompanied by Vilija Gelažauskaitė, Head of International Cooperation and European Integration Department at the […]
Visit of Colleagues from Almaty Medical College
2016-09-1616th of September a group of teachers and staff of Almaty Medical College (Kazakhstan) visited the Faculty of Health Care of Vilniaus kolegija. They met with the administration of the Faculty, get acquainted with the study programmes, discussed students’ internship post-diploma studies organisation, teachers’ qualification improvement issues. Quests also visited laboratories and classrooms of the […]
Vilniaus kolegija’s Students in Musical “Rent”
2016-09-15A world known musical „Rent” made a debut in Lithuania. Students and graduates of the Faculty or Arts and Creative Technologies together with the famous Lithuanian music and theatre actors stepped on the stage to present one of the most famous musicals in the world. An international team worked for musical „Rent“ in Lithuania – […]
Presidential Scholarships for Vilniaus kolegija‘s Students
2016-09-15Four of Vilniaus kolegija’s students were awarded with the Presidential Scholarships. Even four presidential scholarships of five total in Lithuania were forwarded to Vilniaus kolegija‘s students. Every year the scholarships of the Presidents of Lithuania K. Grinius, A. Stulginskis, J. Žemaitis and A. Brazauskas are given to the best students of Lithuania according to their […]