
Young, dynamic and creative –new Erasmus+ Mentors team just had their first trainings!


On the 19th of December 13 volunteers from different Vilniaus kolegija / University of Applied Sciences faculties were learning how to become a perfect Mentor for incoming students. There were a lot of team work, ice-breaking games, acting and other activities in order to prepare for different situations that new Mentors can face up during […]

4th PROJECT New Strategies for Working Life Collaboration PARTNERS MEETING IN FINLAND


On 25-27 of November in Finalnd was held 4th Nordplus Horizonta lproject New Strategies for Working Life Collaboration (Nr. NPHZ-2014/10017) meeting. According to the Project plan meeting was organised in Turku city. For three days Project team worked with Project results and discused about future works. Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences is corrdinator of the […]

Quality Reward


Last Thursday the projects quality award ceremony of the year 2015, organised by The Education Exchanges Support Foundation in Lithuania, took place in Vilnius. The nominees were the institutions which successfully implemented projects in the period of 2014 and 2015. Vilniaus kolegija is glad to announce that our Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project, […]

Nordic-Baltic-Western Balkans contact Erasmus+ seminar


2nd-6th of November Valda Liudavičienė, Project Manager of International Relations Office participated in the contact Erasmus+ seminar. The seminar was organized in Belgrade (Serbia) and Pristina (Kosovo). The aim of the contact seminar – to strengthen the collaborations between Higher Institutions from Baltic, Nordic and Western Balkans countries under Erasmus+ programme. Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applies […]

VIKO participated in Association of Dietitians Meeting


22nd-25th of October, Head of Biomedical Diagnostics and Dietetics Department, assoc. prof. dr. Erika Kubiliene participated in the 26th strategic planning meeting of European Federation of Associations of Dietetians (EFAD) and the 9th EFAD Conference “European Dietitians Action Plan in Food and Nutrition”, which took place in the Netherlands, Amsterdam. Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences […]

Guest Lecturer from Artevelde University College Ghent (Belgium)


Already for the second time Faculty of Electronics and Informatics welcomes a guest lecturer Mr. Constant Lemmens from Artevelde University College Ghent (Belgium). 15-16th of October Mr. Lemmens gave lecturers on the topic “App-design” for students of Information Systems and Electronic Business Technology study programmes. The visiting lecturer also met with Software Development department members […]

Faculty of Electronics and Informatics Joins a New Erasmus+ Project


Faculty of Electronics and Informatics joined a new two years Erasmus+ project 2015-1-LV01-KA203-013436 “Partnership to ensure Risk Management in Practice – PERM, coordinated by BA School of Business and Finance, Latvia. The project academic partners are: Hogeschool Rotterdam, the Netherlands and Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences, and partners representing business are two Latvian companies – […]

International Conference


International Scientific-Practical Conference “HIGHER EDUCATION: PERSPECTIVES AND CHALLENGES” to celebrate 15 year activities‘ anniversary of Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences was organized 14th of October 2015. During the Conference participants and guests from Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Russia discussed contemporary higher education issues and challenges, participated in the interactive workshops. […]

Teaching visit at Riga Technical University


27th – 30th of September prof. Eugenija Strazdienė, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Creative Technologies, visited Institute of Textile Materials Technologies and Design of Riga Technical University (RTU) on the basis of Erasmus+ teachers exchange program and gave a series of lectures under the theme “Subjective and Objective Textiles Evaluation in Fashion Virtual […]

Erasmus teaching visit in Scotland


In the middle of September, Head of Design Department, lecturer Silvija Grušnienė visited New South Lanarkshire College in Scotland in the frame of Erasmus+ teachers mobility programme. She had lectures and workshops related to the theme “XIX – XXI centuries hair styles and make-up creation for the particular character”. New South Lanarkshire College administration and […]

VETNNET Meeting in Portugal


23rd-26th of September representatives of the Faculty of Agrotechnologies: Lecturer dr. Virginia Jarule and project manager Mikas Balkevičius attended VETNNET the Association meeting in Porto, Portugal. VETNNET – association of Veterinary nurses training institutions which are responsible for improving of Veterinary nurses training standards, methodologies and share educational innovations, developing new projects constantly. Vilniaus kolegija‘s […]

Students from Polessky State University at VIKO


19th-26th of September, 10 students and 2 lecturers from Polessky State University (Pinsk, Belarus) visited Faculty of Economic, where together with VIKO students participated in the international business and finance study week. This visit was organized according to the agreement of cooperation between Vilniaus kolegija/UAS and Polessky State University. During this study week a series […]