Strengthening Digital Competences in Humanities Education: Insights from the Erasmus+ Project
On the 4th of December 2023, the Erasmus+ project titled “Digital readiness and capacity building of humanities professors in universities through partnership with digital technologies companies,” under contract No. 2021-1-LT01-KA220-HED-000031124, convened at Vilnius University’s Faculty of Economics. The following day witnessed a pivotal project publicity event aimed at enhancing the digital competences and capacities of humanities lecturers for delivering high-quality, inclusive digital education. Daiva Kelpšaitė, the Project Manager at VIKO Faculty of Economics, affirmed, “The aim of the project is to strengthen and improve the digital competences and capacities of humanities lecturers to deliver quality, inclusive, digital education by strengthening cooperation with digital technology expert companies.”
The event comprised five enriching presentations by speakers from Poland, Romania, Greece, and Lithuania. Commencing the discourse, D. Kelpšaitė, the project manager of VIKO Faculty of Economics, elucidated on the project’s objectives, partners, activities, and the intellectual products conceived. Dr. Irma Šileikienė, an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Electronics and Informatics and a project researcher, delved into the interactive learning course in Moodle, designed to captivate the modern student.
Hara Pylarinou from the University of Patras, Greece, expounded on the project’s e-platform, housing a comprehensive digital learning course comprising twelve modules. Pylarinou highlighted the course completion certificates obtainable upon finishing the modules and tests, emphasizing the accessibility and benefits for humanities professors and interested individuals. Dr. Victor Briciu from Transylvania University, Romania, shared insights from his intellectual product, “Insights of the Quantitative and Qualitative Small-Scale Research: the Basis of the Methodological Framework.” Additionally, Adam Gogacz, a partner from Poland representing the Frame organization, presented the paper “Creating and conducting a process of e-learning.”
The partners diligently collaborated during the meeting to compile the project’s final report, slated for submission to the Lithuanian National Agency – NEAF in February of the following year. Notably, the project involves partners from five countries: the University of Patras in Greece, VIKO in Lithuania, PRISM in Italy, the University of Transylvania in Romania, and the Pax Foundation in Bulgaria.
For further information on the project and access to the e-platform, kindly visit: