VIKO participated in Association of Dietitians Meeting
22nd-25th of October, Head of Biomedical Diagnostics and Dietetics Department, assoc. prof. dr. Erika Kubiliene participated in the 26th strategic planning meeting of European Federation of Associations of Dietetians (EFAD) and the 9th EFAD Conference “European Dietitians Action Plan in Food and Nutrition”, which took place in the Netherlands, Amsterdam.
Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences is an Associate member of EFAD. During the conference the main attention was paid to the dietitians‘ activities in the context of lifelong learning, licensing, professional practice and research. The conference welcomed 400 partners from 36 European and African countries, including 140 students. The results of the visit – dissemination of Vilniaus kolegija and faculty‘s activities, built/updated contacts, participation in various discussion – are useful not only in the personal sense of the profession, but are consistently linked to the strategic objectives of Vilniaus kolegija – to provide professional training of the highest quality, to develop internationality of Vilniaus kolegija‘s activities and expand applied research.