Quality Assurance

The Quality management system creates preconditions for the effective execution of the multifaceted mission of Vilniaus kolegija / Higher Education Institution – to provide modern higher education studies, nationally and internationally recognized R&D and professional art in accordance with European standards, through the efforts of a socially responsible academic community, in effective cooperation with the world of business, in order to achieve a successful professional career of students and the prosperity of the Vilnius region and the Lithuanian state in general.

Vilniaus kolegija / Higher Education Institution is responsible for the quality of its studies, R&D, professional art and other activities, publishes its quality indicators and promotes a culture of quality together with evaluation institutions. The quality of studies, R&D and professional art activities is ensured in application of conditions of admission to Vilniaus kolegija / Higher Education Institution, the quality assurance system of Vilniaus kolegija / Higher Education Institution, the external evaluation and accreditation of study fields, and external evaluation and accreditation of Vilniaus kolegija / Higher Education Institution. The quality assurance of studies of Vilniaus kolegija / Higher Education Institution is based on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area.

Internal quality assurance system is managed through a systemic approach: responsibilities are identified and assigned for the management of all activities, so that the intended results are pursued through the optimal use of available resources.

Activities of Vilniaus kolegija / Higher Education Institution have continuously been improved through periodic monitoring and self-assessment, taking into account the results of external evaluation.

Departments, in cooperation with the Committee of the respective study field, carry out annual quality monitoring of the field of study.