Software Engineering

State code6531BX028
FacultyFaculty of Electronics and Informatics
Study fieldB03 Software Engineering
QualificationProfessional Bachelor of Computing
Form and duration of studiesFull-time studies, 3.5 years
Study plansStudy Plan 2021-2024

Career Prospects

Graduates will be able to work in IT market in the field of software systems development: design, programming, testing and support.

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to:

Full-time studies
Degree Course 2021- 2024

1st semester (30 credits)
Professional English6E
Speciality Language3P
Operating Systems6E
Structured Programming6E
Introduction to Informatics3P
2nd semester (30 credits)
SubjectCreditsEvaluation *
Environmental and Civil Safety3P
Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics3P
Algorithms and Data Structures6E
Discrete Mathematics3E
Human-Computer Interaction Design6E
Computer Graphics6E
First Programming Practice3P
3rd semester (30 credits)
SubjectCreditsEvaluation *
Methods of Computation and Optimization6E
Database Design6E
Information Systems3E
Object-Oriented Programming6E
Second Programming Practice3P
4th semester (30 credits)
SubjectCreditsEvaluation *
Business Management Systems3P
Computers and Network6E
Multithreaded Programming3E
Web Services6E
Information Security6E
Database Practice3P
5th semester (27 credits)
SubjectCreditsEvaluation *
Software Testing3E
Software Engineering3E
Optional subject 1**   Optional subject 2**3   3P   P
Specialization: Database Systems
Database Management Systems6E
Data Mining6E
Specialization: Internet Technologies
Client-side Web Development6E
Server-Side Web Development6E
Specialization: Smart Device Programming
Hybrid Mobile Apps6E
Native Mobile Apps6E
6th semester (33 credits)
SubjectCreditsEvaluation *
Artificial Intelligence6E
Software Development Management3E
Professional Practice12P
Optional subject 3**   Optional subject 4**3   3P   P
Specialization: Database Systems
Database Server Management3E
Non-Relational Databases3E
Specialization: Internet Technologies
Web Security3E
Website Optimization for Search Engines3E
Specialization: Smart Device Programming
Internet of Things3E
Smart Device Sensors Programming3E
7th semester (30 credits)
SubjectCreditsEvaluation *
Final Practice15P
Final Project15Defense

* E – exam, P – project

Optional subjects are freely selectable subjects from the list of predefined subjects.