Computer Engineering

Career Prospects

The purpose of the study program Computer Engineering is to prepare highly qualified professional bachelors of engineering sciences capable of designing, developing, implementing, testing, administering and maintaining computer, telecommunications and robotic systems. The graduate will be able to work in various fields of Computer Engineering, Robotics, Telecommunications, Industry, Business, Banking, Transport, Health Care and more. In the corporate, public and private sectors.

We work closely with Lithuanian and foreign companies: UAB “Jung”, UAB “Eltechnika”, UAB “Baltnetos komunikacijos”, UAB “Telia”, UAB “Bite Lietuva”, UAB “Tele2” UAB “Teltonika”, UAB “Blue Bridge”, oth.

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to:

Full-time studies
Degree Course 2020-2024

Optional subjects are freely selectable subjects from the list of predefined subjects.

* E – exam, P – project, CP – course project, FP – final project