Introducing Digital Tools for Enhancing the Employability of Individuals with Disabilities
On September 26, the Faculty of Economics of VIKO has hosted the second partner meeting of ERASMUS+ project titled “Promoting Employment for People with Disabilities by Enhancing Their Digital Skills and Competences to Support Remote Working Schemes (DigitAbility)”. The project involves researchers from the Faculties of Economics, Electronics and Informatics, and Pedagogy.
The project aims to enhance the employability and attractiveness of individuals with disabilities by improving their digital skills. It also supports vocational training providers in creating more accessible educational services for people with disabilities.
“During the meeting, the partners reached a consensus regarding the design and content of the third intellectual product, which is fundamental to the project. A course has been developed to enhance the digital literacy of individuals with disabilities, enabling them to enter the labor market successfully in the future. The partners finalized the course content and selected the e-platform that will host the course. They also discussed the visualization aspects to ensure accessibility for individuals with various disabilities,” stated VIKO Project Manager Daiva Kelpšaitė.
The meeting was attended by faculty members and staff from the VIKO Faculty of Economics, Electronics, and Informatics, including esteemed individuals such as the project leader, Daiva Kelpšaitė, and the project researcher, Associate Professor Dr. Svetlana Kubilinskienė. Also in attendance were esteemed lecturers, Valdona Judickaitė-Žukovskė and Irina Liušicyna.
The role of project coordination was undertaken by the Italian Association, I.E.R.F.O.P.
Additionally, prominent collaborative partners participating in the meeting hailed from distinguished institutions such as Tournis Symvouleftiki (Greece), E.G. Eugene Global LTD (Cyprus), Prism Impresa Sociale S.R.L. (Italy), and BQC P.C. (Greece).
The meeting bore fruit in terms of productivity, leaving all participants highly content and deeply appreciative of the gracious hospitality extended by their Lithuanian counterparts.