Meeting with Agrokoncernas Group HR and Project manager
On the 29th of June, dr. Nijole Zinkeviciene, VIKO Vice-Rector for Research and Partnerships, visited AGROKONCERNAS Group and met with Onute Verygaite, HR and Project Manager.
The Agrokoncerns Group of Companies is one of the largest partners of Lithuanian farmers in agrochemical services, marketing of agricultural products and other areas of agricultural industry. The company started its activity in 1990 as a small trading company providing consulting services. Today, the Agrokoncerns group of companies has grown into an association of 30 dynamically expanding companies, able to offer Lithuanian farmers the best services, the most advanced technologies and the highest quality products at competitive prices.
Onute Verygaite presented the Agri-Ambassadors Initiative. Agri-Ambassadors will be a club joining the farmers who care about the future of Agri-sector in Lithuania. The club’s activities will be primarily aimed at raising the profile of all activities related to agriculture. The agricultural sector is probably the most rapidly modernising area. Many innovations such as artificial intelligence, robotics and automation are used in this sector. It is necessary to show the general public the direction of Lithuanian agriculture, its development and prospects. It is equally important for everyone to understand that the emerging need for young professionals in the agricultural sector is programmed for decades to come, and that this is a signal to young people that interesting and well-paid jobs are to be found in agriculture. Humanity will need more and more food because of the human population, so this sector is eternal and we need to talk about its importance and modernisation.
The members of the club support the aim of educating the public about the prospects of agriculture in kindergartens and schools. By talking to children and young people about agriculture, they can provide knowledge and promote awareness of food production, healthy eating, ecology and career opportunities. This knowledge is inevitably useful in shaping young people’s attitudes towards the environment, food sources and their future.
The two ladies agreed that it is worth joining forces. Vilniaus kolegija with its participation in EIT Food FoodEducators program and the activities of the Faculty of Agrotechnology may nicely integrate in the strategy to attract young people’s interest in the sector of agrifood.
During the summertime a common idea of a Career Day will be generated. It will be organized in the end of September in Agrokoncernas premises with a strong involvement of Vilniaus kolegija with the FoodEducators contents. As Agrokoncernas Group ais in close contact with around 80 career consultants at secondary schools, a large number of participants (teachers and schoolchildren) from the nearby regions is expected. The organizers will meet again in the end of August to make this plan concrete. Prior to the career day, Vilnius kolegija FoodEducators team will organize training to the 80 career consultants whom we expect to become the ambassadors of the FoodEducators idea at their schools.