Projects 2023

Social Change Through Sustainable Communication in Lifelong Learning in Schools and Society (TASC)

Master courses of the “Škiuņa džezs” festival

Continue: come, improve, contribute! (Tęsk: ateik, tobulėk, prisidėk!)

Design2Freedom – promoting Person-centered design applied to disability in higher education under Erasmus+ programme

Summer schools on environmental protection, sustainability & ecological

Investigating the Feasibility of 3D/2D Reverse Design of Digital Clothing

Generation Z studies: challenges and opportunities in Lithuanian higher education institutions

Application of image processing and computer training methods for object recognition of artificial and biological micro-objects

Support for Lithuanian research and study institutions, recruiting researchers from Ukraine

Project name: Social Change Through Sustainable Communication in Lifelong Learning in Schools and Society (TASC)

Project No. 101104036
Foundation: Erasmus+ Teacher Academies/EACEA
Coordinator: VIVES University of applied sciences (BE)
Partners: Vilniaus kolegija (LT), PH Ludwigsburg University of Education (GE), Eekhout Academy (BE), Associacio Meraki Projectes de Valencia (ES), Region de Murcia (ES), Agrupamento de Escolas da Caparica (PT), Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 30 (RO), Universitatea Babes Bolyai (RO), Universitatea De Vest Din Timisoara (RO), Semrin (TR), Baska Bir Okus Mumkun Dernegi (TR).
Project aim: to provide future and current European teachers with the necessary skills to become reflective and agile European teachers capable of preventing, or eliminating violence, discrimination, polarisation, exclusion and bullying.
Duration: 2023-06-01 – 2026-05-31

Project name: Master courses of the “Škiuņa džezs” festival

Project No. NPHE-2023/10347
Foundation: Nordplus
Coordinator: Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music (LV)
Partners: Vilniaus kolegija (LT)
Project aim: to improve students’ from music schools and universities in the Baltic countries, beginning musicians and other jazz enthusiasts’ musical instrument and vocal skills, to develop their abilities to improvise, to play together in ensembles under the guidance of an international team of professionals.
Duration: 2023-08-22 – 2023-08-27

Project name: Continue: come, improve, contribute! (Tęsk: ateik, tobulėk, prisidėk!)

Project No. 10-045-P-0001
Foundation: European Social Fund Agency
Coordinator: National Agency for Education
Partners: Vilniaus kolegija
Project aim: Strengthen the education system by providing the necessary competences to pedagogical workers and attracting teachers to schools in an alternative way.
Duration: 2023-06-11 – 2027-09-01

Project name: Design2Freedom – promoting Person-centered design applied to disability in higher education under Erasmus+ programme

Project No. 2023-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000154427
Foundation: Erasmus+/”ES01 – Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE)”
Coordinator: COCEMFE – Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities, ES
Partners: Vilniaus kolegija (LT), Universidade da Coruña (ES), Technical university of Kosice (SK), Creative District (BE)
Project aim: The project aims to create a culture of inclusive Person-Centered Design in education, which will allow us to build a more inclusive society
Duration: 2023-12-01 – 2026-05-31

Project name: Summer schools on environmental protection, sustainability & ecological
behavior to support the integration and inclusion of migrants & refugees in the higher education – enhance the university professors competences under the Erasmus+ programme (IntegratEU)

Project No. 2023-1-HR01-KA220-HED-000158143
Fondation: Erasmus+/HR01-Agencija za mobilnost i programe Europske unije
Partners: Vilniaus kolegija (LT), Uniwersytet Warszawski (PL), Universite Degli Studi di Catania (IT), Pax Rhodopica Foundation (BG), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (UA).
Project aim: is to develop an innovative, multidimensional, transversal & interactive approach for enhancing the competences of university academia to conduct through the environmental summer school an educational process on social inclusion & integration of people from vulnerable groups, migrants & refugees (mainly Ukrainian refugees) and to support them to understand & adapt better to the current European context and to apprehend, respect & appreciate the shared European values.
Duration: 2023-12-31 – 2026-06-29

Project name: Investigating the Feasibility of 3D/2D Reverse Design of Digital Clothing

Project No. P-SV-23-441
Foundation: Research Council of Lithuania
Coordinator: Vilniaus kolegija
Project aim: to evaluate the accuracy of the 2D construction obtained by reverse 3D/2D design of digital clothing in relation to analog calculated constructions, using real and virtual prototypes of the product.
Duration: 2023-07-01 – 2023-08-31

Project name: Generation Z studies: challenges and opportunities in Lithuanian higher education institutions

Project No. FL-8
Foundation: State Studies Foundation
Coordinator: Vilniaus kolegija
Partners: Vilniaus kolegijos studentų atstovybė (LT), Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija (LT), Lietuvos verslo kolegija (LT)
Project aim: To strengthen the research, motivation, communication, management and other competencies of Lithuanian and foreign high school students, to improve the psychological resilience of Lithuanian high school students through lectures, practical sessions, discussions, debates.
Duration: 2023-05-01 – 2023-11-26

Project name: Application of image processing and computer training methods for object recognition of artificial and biological micro-objects

Project No.  P-ST-23-168
Foundation: Research Council of Lithuania
Coordinator: Vilniaus kolegija (LT)
Project aim: Student Research during the semester
Duration: 2023-10-06 – 2024-04-30

Project name: Support for Lithuanian research and study institutions, recruiting researchers from Ukraine

Project No. P-LU_PAR_23_79-87
Foundation: Research Council of Lithuania, Support for Lithuanian research and study institutions, recruiting researchers from Ukraine
Coordinator: Vilniaus kolegija
Duration: 2023-12-01 – 2023-12-31