S. Abakumovas (Partner of Grant Thornton Baltic UAB, Head of the Accounting Group) was elected Chairman of Vilnius University of Applied Sciences Council
On 3 rd October the newly elected Council of Vilnius University of Applied Sciences, consisting of 11 members, gathered for its first meeting. One of the first issues was the election of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Council. S. Abakumovas, Partner of UAB Grant Thornton Baltic, Head of the Accounting Group, was elected Chairman of the VIKO Council, and D. Liubinienė, Head of the VIKO Study Service, was elected Deputy Chairperson of the Council.
The VIKO Council, elected in June, consists of 11 members:
1. Sergejus Abakumovas, UAB “Grant Thornton Baltic” Partner, Head of the Accounting Group;
2. Dalia Babilaitė – Abarė, Associate professor of the Department of Performing Arts, Faculty of Arts and Creative Technologies, Vilnius University of Applied Sciences;
3. Aušra Bytautienė, Director of the Association of Personnel Management Professionals;
4. Audrius Dzikevičius, Director of VšĮ “Eurokonsultantų grupė”;
5. Viktorija Kurmanskytė, President of the Student Representatives of Vilnius University of Applied Sciences;
6. Dovilė Liubinienė, Head of the Study Service of Vilnius University of Applied Sciences;
7. Laima Paraukienė, Head of the Training and Cooperation Development Department of Business Management Faculty of Vilnius University of Applied Sciences;
8. Nijolė Ružienė, Head of the Laboratory of Science Applied Activities, Faculty of Agrotechnology, Vilnius University of Applied Sciences, Erasmus+ coordinator;
9. Paulius Šakalys, Head of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Electronics and Informatics, Vilnius University of Applied Sciences;
10. Kristina Šermukšnytė – Alešiūnienė, Director of VšĮ “AgriFood Lithuania DIH”;
11. Evalda Šiškauskienė, President of the Lithuanian Hotel Restaurants’ Association.
Five members of the Council have been elected from the VIKO community ( elected by the community), other four members do not belong to the VIKO staff. Vilnius University of Applied Sciences Student Representatives elect 2 members (one of them is the President of VIKO SR) according to the established procedure.
The VIKO Council is the University of Applied Sciences strategic affairs management body, which ensures its accountability to the public, social responsibility and rapid and effective response to environmental challenges.