The EIF student team provides a blended intensive program at St. Polten University of Applied Sciences

Eleven second year students from the faculty of Electronics and Informatics (EIF) Information Systems study programme participated in a blended intensive programme in St. Polten University of Applied Sciences from 16 th to 21 st April 2023 with two lecturers of the Department of Information Systems of EIF – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irma Šileikienė and Valdona Judickaitė-Žukovskė participated in Austria St. Polten University of Applied Sciences (UAS) in the Blended Intensive Program (BIP) “Trends in Research and Innovation in the Context of Computer Science”. About 50 students from higher schools of 5 countries gathered: St. Polten UAS, Germany’s Hochschule Fulda and SRH Hochschule Heidelberg, Belgium’s Howest University College West Flanders, Vilnius University, Latvia’s Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences and Vilniaus kolegija.
In international groups, the participants developed innovative solutions for ideas: a smart motorcycle helmet, a smart steering wheel for long-distance cars, smart solutions for sports fans and others. Among all the ideas, Fanvision’s idea was recognized as the best, which presented an interactive fan technology for sports events that would allow fans to watch sports events as if they were the players on the field. This idea was presented by an international team of students, including EIF students Rokas Vaidžiulis, Tautvydas Katlauskas and Gustas Janušauskas.
The students who participated in BIP also had a cultural programme – they visited the Haus der Digitalisierung museum in the city of Tulno, where they could observe impressive digital installations.
The EIF students and teachers visited the modern St. Polten University of Applied Sciences, which currently has around 10,000 students. It presents modernly equipped laboratories, a modern library, student learning and communication spaces and a very friendly and positive academic environment.
EIF students say that it is a very useful experience: interesting lectures, assignments, and teamwork. After returning home, the students are planning opportunities to go for a semester studies on the Erasmus+ programme in St. Polten at UAS.
Lecturers Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irma Šileikienė and Valdona Judickaitė-Žukovskė agreed that it was really worth participating in the ERASMUS+ BIP programme, as it was a great personal experience in an International Environment.