VIKO Electronics and Informatics Faculty is announcing The 6th international Cartoon Comics Contest “(MIS)Conceptions or Twisted Minds”
Deadline: 07 April, 2024
The contest is held to celebrate World Creativity and Innovation Day!
PARTICIPATION: All students are eligible to participate in this contest from Vilnius College.
A cartoon is a humorous drawing. This may be a caricature, a parody of a real situation, or simply a picture of a funny situation. The cartoon may consist of one image or take the form of a short comic strip. No moving images allowed.
Take a word or few from any life context and create a humorous situation which leads to misconception or misunderstanding. Event sponsor is Comic Con Baltics. If you wish to receive extra points, please link your comic to the event sponsor.
· Maximum 2-4 submissions/works per person, black and white or coloured.
· The cartoons must contain text regarding any life context.
· Drawings should be made digitally with any computer program such as Photoshop, CorelDRAW, Illustrator or cartoon could be hand drawn/painted.
· Language: English. Each cartoon picture has to be described in a few words or a sentence.
· The works must be original. Mind the copyright law.
· Do not forget to write down your name, last name, University/Faculty, study programme and e-mail.
WHERE TO SEND MY COMICS: The participant must send his/her cartoons to: no later than April 07, 2024.
A jury consisting from VIKO representatives and sponsors will select from the entries for the digital exhibition and declare the prize winners.
The jury will assess the originality of the content, artistic/technical execution, the expression of thought, and the humorous context of your work. If you wish to receive extra points, please link your comic to the event sponsor. The sponsor will be very happy and you will gain a competitive advantage.
Three prize winners will be awarded with special sponsors‘ prizes. The winning cartoons will be announced via e-mail. In addition, all cartoons will be exposed on the Faculty‘s FB and Instagram media. The digital cartoon book will be published online.
If you have questions or need more information about the contest, do not hesitate to email us: Contact person: Milda Kiškytė e.mail.: Orūnė Gibavičienė e.mail: