Vilniaus kolegija has been accepted into the European higher education consortium HEROES
Vilniaus kolegija has been accepted into the European higher education consortium HEROES (Higher Education Roaming Opportunities and Engagement for Society), which is preparing an application for the European Commission’s invitation to create European University Alliances. The consortium consists of 9 universities of applied sciences in Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Czech Republic and Lithuania.
On October 2, a meeting of partners of this project took place at Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), where VIKO was represented by Dr. Nijolė Zinkevičienė, Vice-Rector for Research and Partnerships, and Jolanta Preidienė, Head of International Relations and Projects Department. By mandate of the Rector Dr. Žymantė Jankauskienė, Dr. Nijolė Zinkevičienė, together with the Rectors of the other partner higher education institutions, signed a cooperation agreement.
Jolanta Preidienė participated at the meeting of the delegated contact representatives of the consortium members, where the progress of the project preparation, the strategic development of the consortium partners and the nearest consortium events were discussed.