Vilniaus Kolegija / Higher Education Institution solar power plants begin electricity production

Vilniaus Kolegija has completed the installation of solar modules and has started electricity production. Solar power plants with a total capacity of 288 kW have been installed on the buildings of the Health Care and Business Management faculties.
The project value is about 300,000 euros,withthe Kolegija contributing almost 60,000 euros (The project is funded from the Climate ChangeAction Programme (funds from the budget of the Republic of Lithuania) with financing allocated in the amount of 238,466.40 euros, the Kolegija contribution to the project is 59,616.60 euros).
By installing solar power plants, Vilniaus Kolegija will contribute to reducing the amount of greenhouse gases. It is planned that over 20 years, the installed power plants on both buildings will reduce the CO2 emissions by 2046 thousand tons.
Solar energy is the fastest-growing form of energy in the world. Solar power plants not only save money but also ensure a growing focus on sustainability and increasing concern for environmental protection.