
Vilniaus Kolegija / Higher Education Institution Strengthens Cooperation with the Municipality of Šalčininkai District


Leaders of Vilniaus Kolegija visited the Šalčininkai District Municipality and discussed opportunities of expanded collaboration not only in the field of youth studies but also in jointly implemented social projects, applied research, and outsourced project activities that would ensure benefits not only in specialist training but also have an impact on the region’s development. The […]

A new project has started!


From 2023 to 2026, twelve European partners, including Vilniaus kolegija, combine their strengths within the subsidised Partnership for Excellence – Erasmus+ Teacher Academies project “Social Change Through Sustainable Communication in Lifelong Learning in Schools and Society” (TASC).  This project focuses on sustainable communication. From October 4 till October 6, the partners from seven different countries […]

Research work of the Parenting Skills Consortium presented to the President of the EU Parliament


Roberta Metsola, President of the EU Parliament in Brussels accepted the book „Reimagining Parenthood in diverse context“ from Carmel Borg, professor at Malta University. Since 2013 6 higher education institutes in Europe as Satakunta University of Applied Sciences – SAMK, Vilniaus Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences, Nottingham Trent University, UCLL Welzijn Hasselt and Zuyd Hogeschool | […]

Introducing Digital Tools for Enhancing the Employability of Individuals with Disabilities


On September 26, the Faculty of Economics of VIKO has hosted the second partner meeting of ERASMUS+ project titled “Promoting Employment for People with Disabilities by Enhancing Their Digital Skills and Competences to Support Remote Working Schemes (DigitAbility)”. The project involves researchers from the Faculties of Economics, Electronics and Informatics, and Pedagogy. The project aims […]

Vilniaus kolegija has been accepted into the European higher education consortium HEROES


Vilniaus kolegija has been accepted into the European higher education consortium HEROES (Higher Education Roaming Opportunities and Engagement for Society), which is preparing an application for the European Commission’s invitation to create European University Alliances. The consortium consists of 9 universities of applied sciences in Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Czech […]

Vilniaus Kolegija / Higher Education Institution Became Member Of CoARA Coalition (eng. Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment)


Vilniaus Kolegija has joined the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) and the agreement. This agreement establishes a common direction for changes in the evaluation practices of scientific research, researchers, and organizations conducting scientific research, with the main goal of maximizing the quality and impact of scientific research. The agreement outlines the principles, commitments, and […]



The Faculty of Business Management of Vilniaus kolegija / Higher Education Institution has successfully implemented international symposium for the project “VAKEN SUSTAINED”, financed by the Nordplus program on 11-13 September, 2023. The participants from Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were warmly welcomed by the Deputy Director for Science and Partnerships of Vilniaus kolegija […]

Vilniaus Kolegija / Higher Education Institution solar power plants begin electricity production


Vilniaus Kolegija has completed the installation of solar modules and has started electricity production. Solar power plants with a total capacity of 288 kW have been installed on the buildings of the Health Care and Business Management faculties. The project value is about 300,000 euros,withthe Kolegija contributing almost 60,000 euros (The project is funded from […]

The second year students of the Faculty of Business Management started the academic year actively


Organisational Management study programme started the academic year actively – accompanied by associate professor Dr. Margarita Išoraitė, they visited the “1 Decembrie 1918” University in Romania, where the BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) project took place. During the visit, students discussed perspectives of the city development, solved management problems and got acquainted with the culture of […]

New Scholarship for Those Interested in Deepening their Knowledge in Cybersecurity


The SANS Technology Institute today announced the Paller Cybersecurity Scholarship – an international scholarship covering all study expenses aimed at helping bridge gaps in cybersecurity skills. Candidates from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Lithuania, can now apply for this scholarship. All courses will be conducted in English. The program is […]

Professors and students of the Rhythmic Music Department participated in the NordPuls project at Lūznava Manor in Latvia


From August 22 to 26, 2023, Pranas Kentra, an associate professor of the Rhythmic Music Department, along with 14 students from the Popular Music Study program – Ksenija Petrukovič, Evita Cololo, Nika Zundelovič, Armanda Šapranauskaitė, Deimantė Maciūtė, Viltė Skirpstaitytė, Ainius Dulaitis, Ridas Katkauskis, Juozapas Šopaga, Simonas Vitkauskas, Auksė Petkevičiūtė, Tadas Zizas, Rokas Pypkinas, Šarūnas Kunigiškis […]

The most in-demand professions of the future: is IT still the only way to succeed?


The mass redundancies in the information technology (IT) sector at leading companies such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta and others show that the list of the most sought-after professionals in the global labour market is changing. “HR management and sustainability specialists are professions that the world’s leading employers already hunt. In 2018-2022, the demand for […]