Teachers of the Department of Cultural Management and Dance Pedagogy at MTF Share Their Experience at International Conference
From 7 th to 9 th November 2022 lecturers of the Cultural Management and Dance Pedagogy department of the Faculty of Arts and Creative Technologies prof. dr. Birutė Žygaitienė, lecturer Andrius Guoba and assoc. prof. dr. Inga Kepalienė took part in the 15 th International scientific conference “Education. The event was attended by 640 participants from 80 countries. The conference covered a range of topics: distance learning in the times of crisis, pedagogical methods and innovation, inclusive education, cultural diversity and special education, new challenges in education and international cooperation, teacher training, curriculum development, accreditation and quality of education, cooperation between universities and industry, technology in the training process, etc. The programme of the conference included a series of plenary and parallel sessions, seminars, creative workshops led by education experts from around the world, which provided excellent conditions for academic discussions and for new professional contacts. During the conference, the lecturers met with strategic partners of the Faculty of Arts and Creative Technologies, researchers from the Latvian Rezekne University of Technology, and presented the results of a joint research on the similarities and differences between the Lithuanian and Latvian joint programmes and discussed the possibilities for further cooperation.