The Third Creativity Camp
2016-09-14At the beginning of September the third Creativity Camp was organised at the Faculty of Business Management. The project attracted not only our students from Lithuania, but also international students from Portugal, China, Latvia and Belarus. Teams were challenged to solve the tasks which were given by the business companies. After all night of hard work […]
2016-09-051st of September Vilniaus kolegija/UAS officially opened new academic year. Mayor of Vilnius Mr. Remigijus Šimašius together with many other honorary guests attended this event. Official greetings ceremony was followed by the concert of Vilniaus kolegija’s students’ and their ensembles. Wishing all our students and teachers a very successful journey into the academic world of […]
Opening of the New Academic Year
2016-08-22Dear Students, Colleagues and Guests, Vilniaus kolegija / University of Applied Sciences invites you to the New Academic Year Opening event, which will take place 1st of September, at 13:00 at Vilnius Congress Hall (Vilniaus Str. 6). The programme includes official opening speeches followed by the concert of the students and teachers of the Faculty […]
Implementing the Internationalisation of Higher Education – Rector’s dr. G. Bražiūnas and Dean’s of the Faculty of Electronics and Informatics dr. R. Tumasonis visit to China
2016-06-01At the beginning of May the Rector of Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences, dr. Gintautas Bražiūnas, together with the Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and Informatics, dr. Romanas Tumasonis, participated at the ERASMUS+ contact seminar, organised by the Education Exchanges Support Foundation (Lithuania) and Lithuanian Embassy in China. The seminar was attended by the […]
International Week at Vilniaus kolegija
2016-05-05During the last week of April Vilniaus kolegija organised an annual International Week (IW). This year IW hosted 56 lecturers from partner higher education institutions and business companies in 16 countries. In total 112 lectures were held in all 7 faculties of Vilniaus kolegija. The main goal of the international week was to give possibilities […]
International Business Conference 2016
2016-05-04Over 40 Conference presenters from all over the world came together to Vilnius to present the most leading-edge insights and scholarly discussions related to innovative and creativity-driven business solutions at the International Business Conference 2016: Searching for Innovative and Creative Business Solutions. The Conference was organized and hosted by the Faculty of Business Management, Vilniaus Kolegija […]
Striving for Excellence: Professional Higher Education and the World of Work
2016-05-04EURASHE is an international non-profit association, which is engaged in the development of policies on key issues for professional higher education. On 21-22 April, 2016 in Belgrade, Serbia, EURASHE organised its 26th Annual Conference titled „Centres of cooperation striving for excellence: professional higher education and the world of work“. As EURASHE represents the higher education institutions offering professionally […]
Tourism Resource Practice in Georgia
2016-03-16This week VIKO Tourism Management students started their Tourism Resource Practice in Georgia, organised by our partner – Ilia State University, Tourism Management Centre. First day impressions of Evelina, Irmina, Karina, Silvija and Martynas: “At the begining of autumn semester we had an oportunity to welcome guests from Georgia – four students. Four interesting personalities […]
Visit in Georgia
2016-02-2418-19 of February Vilniaus kolegija together with the other 10 higher education institutions of Lithuania participated in the International Study Fair in Tbilisi, Georgia. Vilniaus kolegija in the fair was presented by Jolanta Preidienė, Head of International Office, and kindly supported by the students‘ team of Ilia State University, who are partners of Vilniaus kolegija […]
Erasmus+ selection process starts
2016-02-02You are kindly invited to go through a competitive selection process organized at Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences. If selected, you can study or do an internship at institutions of higher education/enterprises located overseas. Erasmus+ selection process for autumn semester of the academic year 2016/2017 and for internships of the academic year 2015/2016 begins on […]
Orientation Week
2016-02-02During the last week of January all new VIKO International students were invited to the Orientation Week. During this week students were involved in various activities and events organized by the International Office and VIKO mentors‘ team. International students had meetings with International Office, Erasmus+ coordinators, mentors, participated in the cultural evenings, trips to Trakai, […]
It is time to say “Goodbye!”
2016-01-18On the 15th of January VIKO Mentors organized last event called “PROM NIGHT” for the winter semester Erasmus+ students and interns. The purpose of the event was to sum-up the whole their stay here in an official and funny at once way. The video with the most amazing Erasmus+ moments has been shown at the […]