
Vilniaus kolegija supports healthy life


Last Sunday of May a group of Vilniaus kolegija’s staff participated in the running competition „Nike We Run Vilnius 2018“ becoming a member of “Erasmus+” team, brought together by the Education Exchanges Support Foundation (LT National Agency). More than 6 thousands participants joined this event and competed in the distances of 21,098 km, 10 km […]

Vilniaus kolegija – a leader of national ranking


National journal „Reitingai“ (“Rankings”) presented the ranking results of 2018. Vilniaus kolegija continuous being in the leader position. The ranking includes 44 parameters, grouped into 5 criteria: students and studies, the added value of alumni and evaluations by the employers, academic staff and material base, competition in the international market and students references. Vilniaus kolegija […]

International scientific-practical conference


10-11 May 2018 Vilniaus kolegija organised the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Cooperation between Higher Education and World of Work: Sustainable, Innovative and Creative Perspective”. The main aim of the Conference – to provide an international platform for the exchange of leading-edge ideas and research findings on the key driving forces of higher education and world of […]

Project meeting at Vilniaus kolegija


The second Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships project „European Quality Assurance in Transnational VET Mobility through Socially Responsible Behaviour“ – STAYMOBIL Nr. 2017-1-UK01-KA202-036666 meeting took place at Vilniaus kolegija. Lithuanian business practical firms centre “Simulith”, who belongs to Vilniaus kolegija, is a partner of this project. The project aim is to improve quality assurance in transnational VET […]

Vilniaus kolegija’s student wins the grand prize


Valerija Iljinaitė, a student of Vilniaus kolegija’s Musical Theatre programme, was granted with the grand prize in the international vocal competition in Malta. Valerija represented Lithuania and, after competing 20 soloists from the other countries, became a laureate of „Euro Stars“.

International exchange project


9-15 April 2018 Faculty of Economics organized the third exchange project with the Polessky State University (Pinsk, Belarus). This year the exchange topics were international business and finance. A group of students and teachers from Polessky State University visited Vilniaus kolegija, where together with the local group from all study programs of the Faculty of […]

International electronics competition EIFtronics 2018


12-13 April 2018 Faculty of Electronics and Informatics organized the traditional electronics competition EIFtronics 2018, where 8 students’ teams from higher education institutions from Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland have participated. Students had to pass theoretical test and perform practical assignments. The first three places were shared between teams of Vilniaus kolegija (LT), Minsk Radioengineering […]

5th international economics students’ conference


11 April 2018 Faculty of Economics organized the 5th International Students Conference. 77 articles by Lithuanian and foreign students were presented during the conference. Together with students from Vilniaus kolegija students from Belarus, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine prepared their conference articles. The conference was supported by “Danske Bank A/S” Lithuanian branch; bank […]

Project “Ethnic Waves” covered Lithuanian and Azerbaijan musical motives


Vilniaus kolegija together with the Embassy of Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Lithuania and Azerbaijan National Conservatoire presented a unique project “Ethnic  Waves”. The author of this unique project is Maestro Vladimir Čekasin, famous musician and National Arts and Culture prize winner of Lithuania (2016). The concept of music – national Lithuanian and […]

International business students’ conference


22 March 2018 Faculty of Business Management organized annual students’ conference “Youth in the Changing Society”. 158 Lithuanian and international students joined the conference with their papers and presentations. Together with students from Vilniaus kolegija students from Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey participated in the conference.

International Week at Vilniaus kolegija


During the first week of March Vilniaus kolegija organised annual International Week (IW). This year IW hosted around 40 lecturers from partner higher education institutions and business companies from 20 countries, including EU countries, Albania, Georgia, India, Island, Israel, Kosovo, Serbia and Ukraine. Lectures were organised in all 7 faculties of Vilniaus kolegija. The main […]

Interreg BSR project presented in India


9-12 February 2018 lecturer of the Faculty of Arts and Creative Technologies, dr. Eugenija Strazdienė participated in the international conference “Functional Textiles and Clothing FTC2018”, where she presented Interreg BSR programme project „Smart and Safe Work Wear SWW” results of two years, including 3D scanning of human body and 3D clothing projection integration. In the […]