Visit to AmerisourceBergen
2023-06-30In the framework of VIKO Staff Training Week 45 international guests from 15 countries have visited our strategic partner AmerisourceBergen | World Courier Lithuania last week. The meeting was opened with thePanel Discussion on the topic of “Gen Z Career and Education. How is this generation special?”. From the point of view of students/alumni, Academia […]
VIKO Staff Training Week
2023-06-30VIKO Staff Training Week “Demand-Based Research in Higher Education” has successfully finished! VIKO hosted 45 bright, talented and high-skilled participants from 15 European, Asian and African countries who were highly motivated to gain new skills in demand-based research as well as to get to know to Lithuania, its culture, history and customs. The intensive Staff […]
The Academic Council Approved the Candidates for Deputy Directors Responsible for Study and Research Activities, as Well as the Candidates for Deans and Vice-Deans
2023-06-16During the Academic Council meeting of Vilniaus Kolegija /Higher Education Institution on 14 th June, Dr. Žymantė Jankauskienė, the Director of the Kolegija, presented the candidates for Deputy Directors responsible for study and research activities, as well as the candidates for Deans and Vice-Deans of the Kolegija faculties. The members of the Academic Council discussed […]
Lithuanian experts awarded prizes and evaluations in the European Forum of Professional Higher Education in Romania
2023-06-15The year 2023 was announced as the year of future competences, so the 32 nd annual EURASHE conference was dedicated to the topic “Skills for Europe: Mobilizing Higher Education for Resilience and Digital Transformation.” From 8 th to 9 th June experts from various countries gathered in Bucharest, Romania, to discuss the needs for future […]
Dr. Nijolė Zinkevičienė, the Vice-Rector for Research and Partnerships of VIKO was elected the Vice-President of EURASHE!
2023-06-12EURASHE is the most significant European association of institutions in professional higher education that forms policy on issues such as the mission of professional higher education, quality of higher education, modernization of professional higher education in diversified higher education and research, development and innovation. On June 7-9 the General Assembly and Annual Conference of EURASHE […]
An Internship in Tallinn
2023-06-06Lecturers Evita Kryževičienė, Raminta Kalvaitienė, Asta Kisieliūtė, and Monika Polunina of the Fashion technologies and Business studies’ study programme at the Fashion Design department of the faculty of Arts and Creative Technologies completed an internship at Tallinn University of Technology, University of Applied Sciences. During the internship, the lecturers familiarized themselves with the execution peculiarities […]
A Teaching Visit of V. Andriusevičienė, lecturer of Foreign Language Centre, to University of West Attica
2023-06-06On May 22-26, 2023 Virginija Andriusevičienė, a lecturer of Foreign Language Centre, visited the University of West Attica in Greece, where she delivered lectures “IT for Language Teaching / Learning” and “Intercultural Communication: Personal Gains from Erasmus+ Visits”. The most heated discussions were provoked by the demonstration of “Chat GPT possibilities”. The meetings with lecturers […]
The Erasmus+ Initiative for the Integration of Inclusive Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in Higher Education is Gaining Momentum
2023-06-02Vilniaus Kolegija / Higher Education Institution is a partner of the project INNOSOCIAL (Mainstreaming Inclusive Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in Higher Education) The project initiator and coordinator is SPOLECZNA AKADEMIA NAUK (University of Social Sciences, Poland). Other project partners include Tetra Solutions Ltd. (Bulgaria), University of Pavia (Italy), and Fundacja InCREA (Poland). The project InnoSocial […]
Studying in Lithuania: what do Ukrainians who want to study in higher education need to know?
2023-05-30R. Liepuonienė, Deputy Director of Vilnius College for Studies and Ukrainian students share their thoughts on their study experiences and impressions at Vilnius College. Find out more here:
The Faculty of Economics of Vilnius College participated in Euroweek
2023-05-24On the 24-29 of April, the representatives of the Faculty of Economics of Vilnius College participated in Euroweek – the international annual project competitions of international students. This year it was organized by Brandenburg Technical College in Germany. The 27th Euroweek was attended by students and teachers from 16 European countries, the USA and Colombia. […]
“Sustainable Tourism Destinations” – BIP Week at the Faculty of Business Management
2023-05-24Tourism students from Croatia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Israel, India and Egypt took part in the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) “Sustainable Tourism Destinations” organised on 15-19 May, 2023 at the Faculty of Business Management. The students analysed examples of sustainable tourism presented by the organisations “Travel Lithuania”, “GoVilnius”, the Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the […]
Dr. Aydin Firat from Bursa University in Turkey Lectures for VIKO Students
2023-05-22From 8th to 12th May the Foreign Languages Centre (UKC) hosted Dr. Aydin Firat from Bursa Technical University (Turkey) to teach in the faculties of Business Management, Economics and Electronics and Informatics of Vilniaus Kolegija / Higher Education Institution (Kolegija). On 8th May the lecturer met with the students of Advertising management and Office administration […]