The IVth cartoon contest „Misconceptions or Reading In-between the Letters”
2022-04-12We cordially invite everyone to show off love for the creativity and join the IVth cartoon contest called „Misconceptions or Reading In-between the Letters”, organized by Vilnius University of Applied Sciences, Electronics and Informatics Faculty, and become not only a prizewinner of the contest but also to get likes from university community. The contest requirements listed […]
Support for Ukraine
2022-04-11Dear Vilniaus kolegija community, We collect support for the municipality of Poltava and the communities of V. G. Korolenko State Pedagogical University in Poltava: Long lasting foods (canned food, pasta, cereals, baby food);· Dry food for animals;· Hygiene articles (toothpaste for adults and children; toothbrushes for adults and children; razor blades and razors, electric shavers; baby diapers (various sizes); […]
International Week at VIKO
2022-03-17Spring at Vilnius University of Applied Sciences (VIKO) started with the traditional International Teaching Week (IW), which united colleagues from different universities and countries. This year the IW had much stronger message that just a knowledge sharing event – the academicians stood for the core values of humanity. The 8th VIKO IW took place February […]
Cancelation of the agreements with Russian and Belarusian HEIs
2022-02-28The Lithuanian University Rectors’ Conference and Rectors’ Conference of Lithuanian University Colleges vehemently condemns the military actions of the Russian Federation against the independent state of Ukraine. Lithuanian universities are in solidarity with Ukrainian universities, their staff, teachers, students, and the entire Ukrainian nation. Due to the tense political situation, Vilnius University of Applied Sciences […]
Statement by Lithuanian Higher Education Institutions on the Military Actions of the Russian Federation Against the Independent State of Ukraine
2022-02-25The Lithuanian University Rectors’ Conference and Rectors’ Conference of Lithuanian University Colleges vehemently condemns the military actions of the Russian Federation against the independent state of Ukraine. Lithuanian universities are in solidarity with Ukrainian universities, their staff, teachers, students, and the entire Ukrainian nation. We are ready to use all available resources to help Ukrainian […]
Agnieška Avin and Aušra Simoniukštytė, lecturers at the Department of Social Welfare, Faculty of Pedagogy – one of the initiators and implementers of the first archive of Romani oral history in the Baltic States
2022-02-21On 9 February 2022, the results of the unique project “Lithuanian Roma Oral History Archive” were presented at the Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library. During the project, researchers and lecturers from Södetörn University (Stockholm), the Central European University (Vienna), the Centre for Social Anthropology at Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas), Vilniaus kolegija/Vilnius University of Applied Sciences […]
Launch of the Erasmus + programme higher education strategic partnership project at Vilniaus kolegija / University of Applied Sciences
2022-01-31The Faculty of Economics of Vilniaus Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences is launching and coordinating the Erasmus + program higher education strategic partnership project – “Digital readiness and capacity building of humanities professors in universities through partnership with digital technologies companies (No. 2021-1-LT-01-KA220-HED-000031124). The project involves partners from six countries: Lithuania, Poland (Fundacja Rozwoju Aktywnosci […]
The final project of the Musical Theatre study programme – the musical “Moscow Novel”
2022-01-20The musical “Moscow Novel” (director Saulius Bareikis) is based on L. Tolstoy’s classic historical novel “War and Peace” (Russian: Война и мир). The setting of the action is the 19th century Russia. The events that unite the characters lead them to the big and essential questions: Isn’t it too late to change the way you […]
Inspiring student engagement in scientific research: the possibilities of the Erasmus + international exchange programme have been perfectly used
2022-01-10An excellent example of international cooperation is an article prepared during the student mobility under the Erasmus + programme, published in a prestigious peer-reviewed scientific journal. VIKO Electronics and Computer Science students Pavel Kovalevski and Dovydas Sakalauskas (Computer Systems study programme), who studied under the Erasmus + programme at the Polytechnic Institute of Gaya (ISP […]
International Erasmus+ Staff Training Week: Returning to the essence of internationality
2021-12-22On December 13–17 at Vilniaus Kolegija (VIKO) there racketed the International Erasmus+ staff training week. According to the Head of the Vilniaus Kolegija International Relations and Projects Department, Jolanta Preidienė, the proposed extensive and varied personnel training programme aroused great interest among the participants. “We have received about 200 requests to participate in this event. […]
University of Applied Sciences is the leader in the subject rating!
2021-12-22The magazine “Reitingai” (Rankings) published in Lithuania announced the ranking of higher education institutions according to the training of professional bachelor specialists in colleges and according to the training of bachelor and integrated study specialists in universities. The compilers of the rating emphasized that the quality of the training of collegiate college professional bachelors is […]
Welcome to the event “SKRISK, PELĖDA”
2021-12-06Let us embrace Christmas spirit with the annual student event “SKRISK, PELĖDA”, traditionally organized by the Student Representation of the Faculty of Arts and Creative Technologies of Vilnius University of applied sciences. The entire community of Vilnius University of applied sciences, alumni and guests from other higher schools are welcome. The program consists of various […]