Degree programmes in Lithuanian
Faculty of Agrotechnologies
- Agribusiness Technologies And Digitals Innovations
- Applied Chemical Analysis
- Food Technology
- Landscape Design
- Veterinary
Faculty of Design
- Graphic Design
- Interior Design
- Multimedia Design
- Technology of Photography
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Electronics and Informatics
Faculty of Arts and Creative Technologies
- Image Design
- Management of Cultural Activity
- Fashion Design
- Fashion Technologies and Business
- Musical Theatre
- Popular Music
- Dance Pedagogy
Faculty of Pedagogy
Faculty of Civil Engineering
- Business and Customs Activities
- Civil Engineering
- Engineering Systems of Building
- Smart Building Engineering
- Transport Logistics
Faculty of Health Care
- General Care Nursing
- Biomedical Diagnostics
- Dietetics
- Occupational Therapy
- Hygienic and Decorative Cosmetology
- Physiotherapy
- Radiology
Faculty of Technical
- Car Electronics
- Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Information Systems Engineering
- Mechanical Technologies Engineering
- Railway Transport Engineering
- Renewable Energy Engineering
- Systems Administration
- Technical Maintenance of Automobiles
Faculty of Business Management